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What my Students Say

Andy Tutton

Malachi has great teaching material and carefully walks you through complex Rails code clearly and at the pace you need to better understand what's going on. I highly recommend Malachi if you need extra support to help you move up from beginner to intermediate/advanced level in your coding career. 👍

Jamie L.

"I went from a beginner to a confident Rails developer thanks to Malachi's expert guidance and support."

Jonathon Day

Malachi was an excellent mentor in starting my Ruby journey. From recommendations for resources and programming projects to advice on networking and growing your influence he was a key start on my Ruby on Rails journey.


I had incredible luck finding my mentor, Malachi! His guidance and support have been invaluable in my Rails journey. Rails felt like a puzzle, but Malachi helped me understand it. His passion for programming is contagious, making every session enjoyable and inspiring. He’s always responsive and quick to resolve any problems. If you’re looking for a mentor who offers positivity, accessibility, and results, Malachi is your go-to choice.

Don't waste time doing it solo.
